Airport people...again11/29/2015 If you've clicked through the pages of this blog, you'll know I have a preoccupation with how people in airports drive me nuts. After 2 (or was it 3) posts about how much airport people make me want to tear out my hair, I thought that well had run dry.
Then I went on another trip. Why airport people make me crazy, round 3 (or 4?): #10) How does an adult woman pack a full-sized Pantene bottle of shampoo into her carry-on and then have the temerity to go postal on the hapless TSA worker who tells her to throw the bottle away? Anyone who has breathed in the past 15 years knows : little travel size. Anything larger can be a bomb. A bomb of fabulous lather and three natural conditioners, including jojoba. #9) Let's take a quiz. Let's say the sign says: "1 carry-on and 1 personal item" Does this mean A) 2 rolling suitcases + a purse B) 1 baby carseat + diaper bag + stroller + rolling luggage bag (per person) or C) backpack (like one you would use for camping for a week) + guitar + 3 plastic grocery store bags full of gear. (If you answered all three, you win the prize.) #8) Item #9 -- all of it -- attempting to be crammed into the overhead slots of a regional jet. And then being ticked off when it does not work. What a difference a year makes!11/15/2015
One year ago today. Has it only been a year? Time flies.
I’m at the same physician conference as this time last year. And, as I struggle to stay awake in the classes, I’m once again pushing each evening to get edits done for another book. (Because nothing says “rampant creativity” like Six Sigma industry safety data and leadership development skills, right?) This time last year, I was: 10) About to quit the whole writing dream. I mean, come on now, 7+ years of working on this stuff and no one wanted my books. A gal can take a hint. Check, please. Then along came Crimson and lots of support and, yes, I’m still writing away, and feel more confident with each book. Timing and the right people and a little perseverance make all the difference. 9) Dealing with fear. What the heck was I doing, writing a book, much less editing it? How ridiculous. What if people hated it? (Thank goodness, it looks like most of them thought the series was a fun read!) 8) Keeping secrets. Still doing that. Patients, colleagues and families as yet are not in the loop. Until it becomes inevitable to spill, I’ll keep this writing gig as my little secret for right now. My cat judges me11/10/2015 My cat sits and stares at me for hours.
No, it's not an expression of adoration. It's judgement. But what is she really thinking...? 10) Oooh, dust motes! 9) How many nails can I pull off and deposit on the freshly-vacuumed carpet? 8) Yippee, clean clothes! Time to sit on them and shed. 7) Yippee, clean clothes! Time to ralph up a hairball on them. 6) Yippee, clean clothes! Time to chew a clean bra strap. 5) Mumsy's gotten kind of lumpy. 4) If I lick my chops, the scent of fish-n-glop will go everywhere! 3) I hope Mumsy doesn't want her pillow back anytime soon. 2) It's amazing how a kitty like me can be so pretty. (BTW, she's a hairy nightmare.) 1) Why is Mumsy always writing? She knows I can't read. |
Jillian DavidAuthor, daydreamer, and practitioner of trying very hard to duct tape folks together and help when I can. Archives
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