Winner, winner!10/17/2015 Just got back from the ECWC Reader's Event: Passport to Romance here in Seattle. What a fun evening of meeting readers, giving away swag, and soaking in the high energy from all those fabulous writers.
Originally, I promised that I would give away my Hell to Pay trilogy to one lucky reader who signed up for my newsletter. However, because of the fabulous people I met, I'm going to give away THREE trilogies and TEN copies of book #1, Immortal Flame. Just because. Here's the list of lucky readers: All three books (digital) of the Hell to Pay series 1) Kimmerow 2) Deborah P. 3) Lisa C. What's the point of writing?10/16/2015 Oooh, that's an ominous title!
But really, the question should be twofold: What's the point of writing? And what's the point of writing romance? Because those are different questions, aren't they? Maybe we can answer both. Another list, if you will. Because lordie knows I love lists. #10) We write to keep in contact with what it is to be human. Nuances of behavior, quirks, motives for actions -- writing is studying the details and then depicting humanity, sometimes in its rawest form. #9) Because a story isn't your story until you've told it. That's right. Everyone has a story in them. But not everyone can get that story on paper. That takes special skills. However, if you can write it and shape it, then that's real power. Wow. #8) Writing is better than photoshop. You can make readers see or feel anything, with a turn of a phrase or a tweak of a sentence. You can make different readers see or feel different things with that same phrase or sentence. BookBub deal recap10/11/2015 Here’s what happened. In true Mr. Magoo fashion, and by some miracle of God, somehow I convinced the fine folks at Crimson Romance to help secure a BookBub deal for 2 of the 3 books in my Hell to Pay series. How? Because I’m a numb-nut and have no idea what questions I can and cannot ask.
So I asked. Because I didn't know any better. (I >did< ask nicely, which could have helped.) Whaddaya know? They did it! Not only did they secure a BookBub deal, but here’s how it went down. On the date of Book #3’s release (regular price), Book #1 was FREE for 5 days and Book #2 was 99 cents for 5 days. What did I do to help out? I had secured postings on about 15-20 blogs/book review sites, as well as had the support of some fellow authors for this week. Crimson also supported the deal on their social media platforms, which reached an even wider audience. In the article, I am referring to my Hell to Pay series. Book #1: Immortal Flame Book #2: Relentless Flame Book #3: Flame Unleashed Questionable Romance Novel Titles10/3/2015 Thanks to @gwenhayes @holleytrent and @chronic_mom for inspiring this list! 10) Christmas title, gay romance: “We Three Kinds of Orient Are” (Yup, someone's been sniffing the myrrh.) 9) Option #2 for Christmas fella love story: “Deck the Balls” (I’d like to know what trimming the tree entails.) 8) Harlequin Presents type: “The Loan-Strapped Assistant Manager's Secret Babymama" (Same scenario, but just way less glamorous when it’s not a Tycoon. Yeah, see? Caught you passing judgement.) 7) Harlequin Presents option #2: "Broke Stepbrother's Questionable Relationship Choice" (Holley Trent made me put something in here with “Step” in the title) 6) Harlequin Presents option #3: "The Not-Very-Good Playboy’s Mediocre Score" 5) How about something in a suspense category? “The SEAL’s Quiet Vacation Where No One Abducts Anyone and No Guns are Fired” (Yippee, no flashbacks!) 4) Inspirational? “The Amish Widow’s Secret Cell Phone” (Gosh, don’t tell Obidiah!) 3) Historical: “A Butler of Her Own” (Ah, girls, we can only hope!) 2) Historical #2: “The Reluctant Prostitute” (She wasn’t super successful) 1) Erotica: “Befuddled” (It’s always a 1 word title, often a verb that can be liberally misinterpreted. Or a random phrase like “Contort With Me”) *Disclaimer: My sincere apologies if any of these items, by some karmic freak of the universe, are really book titles. I had no idea. |
Jillian DavidAuthor, daydreamer, and practitioner of trying very hard to duct tape folks together and help when I can. Archives
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